Interface to the Security APL Quote Server (requires tables)

Ticker Symbols(max 5)

Interesting Stocks

Sym Name Sym Name Sym Name
PSXPacific Scientific MOTMotorola GMGeneral Motors
INTCIntel UTXUnited Technologies LAFFXLord Abbott Affiliated Fund
GGillette JNJJohnson&Johnson AHPAmerican Home Products
BMYBristol-Meyers HWPHewlett-Packard KOCoke
HNZHeinz CHVChevron TXTexaco
XONExxon ARCAtlantic Richfield ANAmoco
MOBMobil -- --

Interface to NETworth Advanced Graphing

Graph Type: Price vbar Comparative Percentage

Security: vbar Security: Baseline
Moving Average: Security: Baseline
Moving Average: Security: Baseline
Moving Average: Security: Baseline
No Baseline

Graphs are for:

Background: Text: Grid lines: Horizontal Vertical

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